Michael St.Clair & Remote Viewer

St.Clair Essays Time Travel ETs Astrology Exclusive Interviews Reviews Zen of Stars

09 September 2006


Exclusive Interview for The Remote Viewer
with Michael St.Clair

- by Teresa Ann Papac

A fascinating conversation
seen by over 9,500 readers -

about the book Zen of Stars,
the life of the top astrologer -
and his views about our future.

"Michael St.Clair`s excellent book Zen of Stars has recently been released and is now available at Trafford Publishing. Truly a worthy acquisition, and a fascinating read with an intriguing cover too. We are happy to publish here on "The Remote Viewer" exclusively an extraordinary interview with St.Clair by Teresa Ann Papac:

In a profound conversation, opening passages of surreal perceptions rather than forming finite conclusions, renown Swiss cosmologist Michael St.Clair - author of the book Zen of Stars and enthusiast of amazing crop circles, time portals, mirages and mysterious occurences in the invisible world - talks to astrologer Teresa Ann Papac about the future of astrology, extra-terrestrial life, ancient gods, luminescent beings of light, the layered worlds we inhabit, and the hidden landscape of the mind. Spell-binding...

Brace yourself for a rare moment! Non-classical suggestions offered by St.Clair create a fascinating adventure anchoring a different conception of multiple realities and the plausible origins of mankind -- more likely extra-terrestrial than made in "His image." This unusual interview - a Saturn-Neptune opposition product - makes altered mind states the norm, rather than the oddity. In it, the inspired Piscean astrologers discuss esoteric teachings, time travel, Krishnamurti - and The Morning of The Magicians dawns...

"Time is an illusion.
The moment you stop thought
time too stops."

Read it
all here:


Posted By: michaeldonovan
Date: Saturday, 9 September 2006, 4:57 p.m.
In Response To:

Zen of Stars is one of the best books I have read in some time. It would not be an easy book to review. Mr. St. Clair has been labled as a futurist. True. But what makes this book stand out is the the scope and unusual. What happens in a world wherein the reality of 'other realities' must be ackowledged? This is looked at by an astrologer with unusual panaramic view of history. (Though some astrological material in the book, it is still for general readers.)
The hardest thing to see is the 'big picture'. Of all attempts.., this is at present the very best out there.
Expensive, bout 40 bucks for the nearly 500 page book.
Best straight from publisher, toll free number is
1 888 232 4444
Michael Donovan
(Will have a full review in a month or so.)